Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bringing Getu HOME! Ethiopia with the whole Archie Crew!

Wow! I look at this sweet smile everyday now and still can't believe he's really here! GETU IS HOME!!!

January 20th, we landed in Nashville as a family of 7 and I cannot thank God enough!! People always mention how it's a great thing that we've adopted Getu and what a blessing we are to him....but TRULY we feel it's the other way around....He has BLESSED US so much more! He is the one that changed our lives....completely!  Forever!

We prayed and prayed about taking our entire family to Ethiopia to bring him Home and God showed me clearly that HE was in agreement! HE met every financial need for the cost of the trip. My bio children...ages 16, 13, 9 and 7 saw and learned so many things on that trip that I could never fully express to them or put into words.  They had to feel and experience it for themselves. Michael & I wanted them to see where their brother was from, how he lived and bond with him in his birth country before coming to the U.S. We wanted them to get out of the comfortable little bubble we live in and see the need.
Jasmine, Michael Jr., Jayla & Malik needed to see that their are children just like them...their ages....working on the streets...with nowhere to shoes...and most importantly no mommy or daddy to comfort or take care of them or tuck them in at night. They needed to see orphanages full of children that pray everyday and long for a family of their own.
Before getting on the plane, I prayed that their eyes and hearts would be opened and that they would never be the same!

Well...on the long way home on the plane after a week in Africa....I turned to Jayla (my 9 yr old daughter) and asked her what she was going to tell her friends and teachers at school about her trip.  She thought for a moment and looked at me and said "Ummmm......Life-Changing!!!!" The rest of the Archie family couldn't agree more!!!  Jayla said it Perfectly!  There are not enough words to express what Getu and this trip did for our family!  You cannot go to Ethiopia and not be changed! You can come home...but your heart is still there!  I can't wait till Jasmine and I go back in July with the Ordinary Hero Team! July 5th can't get here soon enough.  :)  

Honestly, I'm not good at story telling and blogging, but thank God for they say a thousand words!  Hope you enjoy this video of our life-changing journey in bringing Getu Home!

Again, we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for all your love, support and prayers!!!
We love you all!!  xoxo

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